Martial arts beginner classes

Firstly, can we welcome you to Integrity martial arts.

We know starting a martial art can be a daunting experience, we aim to make the process simple, stress free and enjoyable. Our purpose is to provide you with the best possible atmosphere and training. If you know which class you want to go to already then all you need to do is either call us, use the green ‘How can I help you’ button or send an e-mail to book your first two free classes, all the contact details are on the contact page. Normally beginners wear any loose clothing for their first couple of classes, things like tracksuit bottoms and a T-shirt are fine, all the classes are bare foot except the self protection courses wear you wear normal street clothes.

When you arrive at the class ask for the instructor, all the students are very friendly so don’t be embarrassed, introduce yourself and then before you know it your first lesson will be over, and you’ll be eager for more.

New starters

After your first two classes if you decide to join then we will give you all the forms and paperwork in your beginners pack. This pack contains all the information you’ll need to start your martial art’s journey. That journey will be one of the most rewarding things you could ever do for yourself or your family.

Gradings take place every 3 months for the first six grades and every 6 months for the next four, these are the minimum times, making the time from beginner to black belt a little less than four years, however some of our students have taken over twice as long. You should never rush to take a grading, the true path to success comes to those who are patient.

How many times have we heard people say “I’ve always wanted to do a martial art”

Well now’s the time to be positive!! Take that first step – you’ll be glad you didsmile

Which art do you want?

All the arts that we teach offer so much, if your not sure come along and try as many as you want, you may decide that you want to do both. Rest assured which ever art you decide on, and whichever school you attend you will receive a warm welcome.